Sunday, September 9, 2007

Last Preparations

Dear Friends and Family,

This will be my 2nd to last post. My final post being my report after my first attempt at a 100 mile run (finish or not) through the Angeles Crests Forest on September 15th and 16th.

After about 2 years of preparation for this race, I have only a few days before it starts. Without a doubt it has been more about the journey rather than the destination. A few people have asked me if I will continue to pursue 100 mile runs. I have no answer. If I have learned anything over the years running or not, it is that it is hard to predict what is around the corner. For now, I will stand in the dark at the starting line in Wrightwood at 5:00 in the morning on Saturday (9/15/07) and play out this hand.

My goal is to finish in 31 hours, which means I will arrive at Johnson Field in Pasadena by Noon Sunday. I certainly won't be disappointed if I finish sooner and avoid the heat of the second day. The race has cutoff times I must meet or else I will be dropped from the race. If I am going much slower than my goal times, I am probably in danger of being dropped as the overall time allowed is 33 hours.

Also, it is my hope to add something positive along with this experience. My cousin Ryan (really cousin Sharen's son Ryan... is that 2nd Cousin???) has juvenille diabetes. Since being an infant he has had to endure the constant pricking to check blood sugar levels and shots sporadically day and night. The family continues to walk in fund raisers by the JDRF to help find a cure for juvenille diabetes. I would like to help out in my own way by asking all of my friends and family to consider donating some money to JDRF in Ryan's name for every mile that I run. Whether you donate 1 cent a mile or 1 dollar a mile, the donation will be greatly appreciated. If you know me personally, I hope I am worth at least 2 cents a mile. :-)
You can donate (it's tax deductable) at Ryan's Troopers walk for Juvenile Diabetes.
If you know someone that needs a tax deduction for a worthy cause, or maybe they owe you a favor, please email them this web address and hopefully they will help contribute.

The race starts on Saturday, September 15th from Wrightwood, CA. If you have a few minutes on Saturday throughout the day you can see if I am still hanging in their by going to and clicking on a link that will say something like, "Live Data 2007" , hopefully it will be easy to find my name. If you have trouble, I probably won't be able to help, since I will be in the middle of the San Gabriel Forest climbing some hill wondering why the heck did I enter this race???

Anticipated Aid Station times to compare with the Live Data.

Mile - Aid Station - Estimated Check in Time
9.3 - Inspiration Point - 7:14 a.m.
13.85 - Vincent Gap - 8:06 a.m.
25.91 - Islip Saddle - 11:04 a.m.
29.05 - Kratka Ridge - I don't think they post times here
29.98 - Eagle's Roost - 12.11 p.m.
37.54 - Cloudburst Summit - 2:11 p.m.
38.37 - Pajarito - no post?
40.4 - Glenwood - no post?
42.72 - Three Points - 3:20 p.m.
49.08 - Mt. Hillyer - 4:53 p.m.
52.8 - Chilao - 6:09 p.m.
59.3 - Shortcut Saddle - 7:58 p.m.
67.95 - Newcomb's Saddle - 10:47 p.m.
74.55 - Chantry Flats - 2:13 a.m. (DAY TWO!!!)
83.75 - Idlehour - 6:13 a.m.
89.25 - Sam Merrill Trail - 8:34 a.m.
95.83 - Millard Campground - 10:35 a.m.
100.53 - Johnson's Field (Finish) - 11:54 a.m.

Yours Truly,

Chris Jensen

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