Last week at the 50k a few sections were quite rocky and I had always suspected my Adidas trail shoes were a little soft around the balls of the feet. Every time I cringed when I landed on a rock confirmed it was time for a new pair of trail shoes. I had read good things online about the
Inov-8 shoes and found a running store on their website that sold some of their models called
FootPursuit in Simi Valley. Their service was great and if you are ever in the area I stongly recommend trying them out. Having a bruise on the bottom of your foot can help greatly picking out a pair of shoes... the process is easy, keep trying on shoes and when the sore spot on the ball of your foot hurts the least buy that pair. I ended up with Inov-8's Roclite 315. Of course there was no way the cold wind was going to keep me from going on a run to try out my new shoes to the top of Bunny Hill (see previous post). I also purchas

ed a new camera ($10 on sale at Rite Aid) the other day that is about 1 inch by 2 inches and I can easily carry it with me on my runs. Myself and Cindy are still learning how to use the camera correctly, you may notice something wrong with the picture Cindy snapped. Cindy felt like my attire was worth a picture, but it's too

bad you aren't able to see the geekiest part.
For a tiny ten dollar camera the pictures aren't bad for posting on the web, and the picture to the left gives a view of the "bunny" from the back

The last part of my run is along the California Aqueduct and I am often rewarded with some pretty awesome views.
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