After my disappointing drop from the Mt. Disappointment run a couple of weeks ago. I haven't been pushing myself very hard, but have gotten in a couple of good quality runs.
On August 19th I ran 24 miles by Baden Powel (9000+ ft.) to Vincent Gap and then back with about 15 other runners at an AC Training Run. On the way there a group of us were delayed on Highway 2 because a motorcycle rider had gone down and had to be airlifted out. We didn't know it at the time, but it was Gary Hiliard, the race director for the Mt. Disappointment 50. After being in critical care for quite awhile and losing his spleen and I believe a kidney I understand he is doing better, possibly due to his good health through ultra running and tireless hours working on maintaining trails. Best wishes to a successful recovery.
I was fortunate enough to be invited to run with a few guys last Friday night on the last 40 miles of the Angeles Crest 100. We started our run about 6:30 p.m. and arrived at our finishing point in Pasadena about 7:30 the next morning. It was great to see the trail and enjoyed doing my first all night run. My lack of full time running due to my ankle was obvious and I certainly struggled the most of the four of us. I learned many things about night running as well as what the last 40 miles of the AC100 was like, well at least what the trail is like in the dard. What I learned the most is that if I ever do anything like this again I need to be sure to bring caffeine!!!!!!! I ran with Jay Anderson (an outstanding runner and leader of the group),
Barefoot Ted (a guy that leaves you in awe watching him run for 40 miles at night, running part way barefoot and the other part in his five fingers or almost barefoot, and I hope he doesn't mind I snagged the picture below off his
website) and Robert Schipsi (thanks to him I was able to tag along otherwise I wouldn't have known about the run, not to mention after watching him run, he should do very well on his first 100 miler coming up in 15 days).

Photo by Barefoot Ted
As far as my ankle goes, I continue to rest it plenty disappointed that I am not out on the trails. After an x-ray and then a CT scan, the dr. called to inform me that I needed to see an orthopedic. Apparently the CT scan showed "bone fragments", not sure exactly what that means, but I have an appointment for this next Wednesday... yikes.