Friday, May 11, 2007

Mind of a Goldfish

Studies have shown that exercise helps the mind think more creatively and solve problems due to better blood flow in the brain. Tonights run is a perfect example, as I ran along the trails thinking about ideas to post on my blog the thoughts came pouring in to my consciousness far more rapidly than my 43 year old legs up Bunny Hill. The problem is all the things I think about are forgotten by the time I return. They say a goldfish can only remember for 3 seconds, I am pleased to say that is a myth, so it gives me hope that if a goldfish can remember longer than 3 seconds perhaps I can aspire to my bowl living friend.

I am trying to organize thoughts for my 100 days. Starting June 7th, when I plan on posting a new topic every day that will me help organize and prepare ideas for my run in September, and perhaps give some insight to others that may wish to try a similar endeavor.

Before continuing... a big thanks to my buddy Jeffo for leaving a comment the other day. Only time will tell if he ever checks back again. Perhaps one day I will have readers that number in the double digits, but for now I am thrilled to have peaked at two.

Here are a few ideas for some of my 100 posts when I start one a day June 7th. If anyone ever comes across this and has some suggestions for a short topic, I would appreciate hearing them.

*Drop Bags - Are they more hassle than they're worth
*Shoes - Can't live with 'em can't live without 'em
*Band Aids - Also known as your nipples best friend.
*Feet Protection - The smelly truth
*Poison Oak - Your friend and Mine
*Men in Tights - Why your non-running friends might get the wrong impression

Jeff, hopefully one of these days we can bike/hike/jog up Bunny Hill together . I'll leave the tights at home.

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