How does this rating sound.
G = Content is GOOD, happy and pleasant.
PG = Content has POSSIBLE GIMPINESS like somethings broken, swollen, etc.
R = All parents RESTRICTED from reading. I may we writing about thinking of moving to Nepal, or a career change to become an Ultimate Fighter.
Todays rating G.

My day started at 4 a.m. I knew I would be going for a run today, but was not sure when. Sometimes I wake up early on a weekend and I am too impatient to fall back asleep, rather I am ready for this great day to start ASAP. The wind was howling a little but the moon was full with an eerie ring around it and that was all the motivation I needed. I strapped on my head light and
I took my favorite route up Bunny Hill on the backside of the California Aqueduct up the fire roads and single track trails. It is amazing how well one can see with no light except for a full moon and a head lamp. The air is so fresh and everything is at peace, although the cotton tailed bunnies (no relation to why they call it Bunny Hill... see earlier post) would disagree as they scurry to avoid this strange alien with a light on the top of his head.

By 7 a.m. I was done with a Double Bunny (up and over and then looping back around to traverse Bunny Hill one more time on my way back) and ready to start my day. The only downside was I had hoped to tack on a few more than the 13 miles I had run, but my swollen ankle was giving me trouble the last few miles. Uh oh, perhaps this post should have been rated P.G.
Here you go Chris, a post from someone who didn't give birth to you. I'd like to join you on one of these crazy runs up Bunny Hill just to see firsthand what it's like. Of course, you'll have to wait until I get my mountain bike repaired! I'll let you know when that happens. Sorry about the Anonymous sign in, but I'm too lazy to get a Google account just yet. See ya.
Now that I know someone else is reading my blog, I feel the pressure to update it on a regular basis. I have found Bunny Hill to be difficult on the Mountain Bike and it is probably easier to walk/jog the hill. More posts here I come.
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